Dana was born 27 years ago in Tel-Aviv under the Name Yaron Cohen the name Yaron she inherited from her uncle who was killed a year earlier in a terrorist attack.

At the age of 10 Yaron began to sing and at the age of 14 she had her first appearance in the musical "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat" produced by the Cameri Theater. It was about that time that she met up with Ofer Nissim, who became Dana's personal manager and the person who played the most important role in her career. It was about at the same time that Yaron discovered her sexual identity and adopted the name Dana. During the early nineties she added International to her name. It was during that time that she participated in a drag show version of the pre-eurovision song contest. Ofer Nissim, her manager, wanted Whitney Houston "in concert in Saudi Arabia" singing in Arabic. He recruited Yaron Cohen, and invented the name Dana International. It was than when she sang "Saida Sultana" as a parody on Whitney's song "my name is not Susanne."

During that period and ever since there those who objected against Dana appearing on stage as a "man" dressed in women's clothing. When she had her operation about four years ago in London, the ultra-orthodox dismissed her and made a big issue out of holding the 99 Eurovision Song Festival in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

A very important of Dana's live and being is her oneness in respect to her Transsexuality and her ongoing efforts to get recognition and respect for both the TS as the gay community. When she was victorious in Birmingham gay communities all over the world took to the streets in appreciation of her battle.

During her career Dana has made many outstanding CDīs and is currently becoming popular in Japan after her promotion tour and television interviews.

In the comming few month there will be alot we hear of her, she is now recording new music and will be a bright new star on the musical horizon

Dana International

More Information about Dana

Danaīs Official Japanese Home Page

Dana Thank You For Being

Japanese Dana page by Metamo

Geirīs Norwegian Dana Page