Diana Haddad

Here we are introducing Diana Haddad,a Lebanese singer with a strong voice and an unbeatable talent. She is a star who made it to the top from the very first album.

Her style can be classified as Lebanese and Gulf style Arabic Pop Music.

In early 1996, Diana released her first album, Saken. The title track, Saken, was a mega hit in the whole Arab world. It also had a nice video clip.

Shortly afterwards, Diana released the video clip of the other two famous songs from this album: El-Sahra, and Lagetek, a song originally performed by Jordanian artist "Isam Rajji". With those three beautiful songs, Diana was truly one of a few artists to make it to the top from her very first album.

To make her success even bigger, in late 1996 - early 97 Diana released her second album Ahel El-esheq. It was a very popular album. Two great songs were Ahel El-esheq, and Bizaal Minak.

Diana Haddad received an award in the Arabic Song Festival for all her contributions in the Arabic music world. On this same occasion, all the Arabian were surprised with winning artists from different Arabian countries teaming up and singing El-Hilm El-Arabi (The Arabian Dream), in which of course Diana participated.

Her third album, Ammaneh, was a true megahit. It was released in 1997. The title track, Ammaneh, was for a very long time number one in different charts, and the most wanted Arabic song. The video clip for this song was excellent. The album has also three more notable songs: Ghaltiti, Yelomoni, and Ya Binti.

In late 1998 Diana released her fourth album "Yama Ya". While each Arabic artist sings with a certain tongue, Diana in this album sang each song with a different tongue. For example, Imshi Wara Kizbohom was sang in Egyptian tongue, Men Gebt was sang in Gulfian tongue.

In June 1999, Diana finally released her fifth album "Shater". The title track, Shater, made it to number 1 for many weeks in a row in different charts such as MBC Music charts, and was Arabia's most wanted song for the summer.

Other highlights from the album include "Bageyah", in which Diana worked with Hamid Al-Sha'eri, and "Weenhom". So far, "Shater" and "Weenhom" were video clipped.

Diana made many tours around the whole world, and participated in many notable festivals such as Orbit's Arabic Song Festivals (Held in different Arabic capitals), Beruit Festival (Beruit '98) and Al-Mahaba Walsalam Festival (Syria '98). Another noticable festival she participated in is Jerash Festival for Arts & Culture ('98). For Arabian artists, participating in Jerash is considered an honor, since usually it takes an artist years and years to make it to Jerash.

Video Clips

Here are some mp3's of her songs, but please buy her music it sounds so much better on the CD's you have bought of the wonderful singer, she deserves your support and admiration.

Songs from "Shater" album, 1999
Shater.. Shater 4.12 Mb (Complete song)
Abel El-Gharam 5.57 Mb (Complete song)
Al-Fosol Al Arba'a 5.67 Mb (Complete song)
Baqeyah 4.03 Mb (Complete song)
Enta El-Jameel 4.71 Mb (Complete song)
Sa'altak 4.36 Mb (Complete song)
Wainhom? 4.66 Mb (Complete song)
Shater (Instrumental) 4.12 Mb (Complete song)

Songs from "Ammaneh" album, 1997
Ammaneh (Complete song)
Yelomoni (Leesh Ahebak) (Complete song)
Nejmet Sahretna (Complete song)
Rahalo (Complete song)
Shaikh El-Shaba (Complete song)
Dalo'na Dana (Complete song)
Ya Benti (Complete song)
Ghaltiti (Complete song)