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 Kami the drummer Of Malice Mizer suddenly passed away
on 1999.6.21. He died in his home and was not discovered until 6.25. The cause
of death is subarachniod hemorrhage. His funeral was held on 6.25 with his close relatives only. Here is the
translation of the announcement in Malice Mizer's official homepage From our side we send our condolances to his family and loved one´s and ofcourse espcially to the remaining band members of Malice Mizer. Kami thank you for all you gave, you will be missed.
While this news arrived we were working on a section for Malice Mizer which we publish here as it is in his music that Kami remains with us forever.
Some of the Japanese performers introduced on this page are classified as Visual Kei groups, here an introduction to what is Visual Kei The article is not by me but was written by Mason Tyler Matthew Proulx

 Hikaru Utada. |
 Yumi Matsutoya
 Dreams Come True
 Luna Sea
 Masaharu Fukuyama
 Every little Thing
 L' Arc~en~Ciel
 Shena Ringo
 Ayumi Hamasaki
 John Trudell
John Trudell is Native American performer who may not be missed on this page. John's voice is the voice of all people calling for world peace and justice for everybody. No matter who you are or from where you are, John's voice is all our voices